The professional attitude in three concentric circles

The professional attitude of the SRW employee can be represented in three concentric circles.

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Authentic: authentic comes from the Greek authentikos = acting on one's own authority.

Integrity: integrity is a layered concept and includes personal integrity, moral integrity and role integrity. (Musschenga). The Latin root of the word refers to wholeness

Responsible: the term itself refers to wanting and being able to justify oneself, but also to feeling responsible and from there taking on certain tasks and trying to complete them successfully.

Broad-minded (open-minded): the willingness to discover new things/people/cultures..., to open up and understand new ideas, curiosity about being different

Eager to learn: motivated to grow in knowledge and experience

Creative-innovative: being creative is about attitude, thinking and acting. The path to innovation is open through the use of critical thinking, the assessment of (future) needs and the use of creative competencies.

Committed: this is about connecting and committing to... committing to a (social) goal based on deep involvement and the will to add something, to improve.

Empathetic: means being sensitive to what someone else experiences, being able to put yourself in the other person's shoes. Not only in emotions (empathy) but also in someone else's thoughts. It is part of emotional intelligence. In its broadest sense, it also includes trying to assess the impact of context.

Connecting: you not only have to understand the other person, but also connect and invest yourself. Connection is the fundamental condition for discussing or realizing anything. Transferring ideas, wishes, etc. without connection can lead to a power struggle. A good connection leads to more trust.

Empowering: a way of being, aimed at the strengths of people. This can only be achieved through connection. An empowering basic attitude meets the need for autonomy, in particular gaining control over one's own life. It increases the feeling of competence, is important for self-esteem and increases resilience long-term.

Collaborative: collaboration is a basic attitude, everything happens in dialogue with others. Colleagues complement each other, based on different knowledge, insights gained, other talents or professional backgrounds... and work towards a common goal, namely the well-being of the child or young person. The child, the young person and the context bring in their voice and expertise.

Perception of reality: being more aware of reality and constantly trying to analyze/understand how it is constructed by internal and external factors

Normative professionalism: it is not only about doing something well, but also about doing the right thing, sensitivity towards the moral aspects of upbringing, guiding or assisting

Critical attitude: the attitude about not simply accepting information but to test it against various criteria. This attitude is part of the investigative ability

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