Case studies are situated in the third training phase of the SRW, children, young people and welfare course.
In this final phase, we expect students to integrate all the knowledge and skills learned from the course, but also from SRW internships, volunteer work or own life experience, into the Case Studies course.
The case study course forms the integrative final part of three learning paths: the social-pedagogical learning path, the creativity learning path and the international learning path.
The students are divided into teams and work on fictional cases. They identify pedagogical situations with varying complexity from different angles in order to clarify supply and demand.
Throughout the semester, the teams receive registrations from various organizations, so we give them a taste of different sectors in the field (examples: a JAC, context guidance from an MFC, an outpatient home guidance service within the VAPH, a reception center for refugees, a residential facility from the youth care, a foster care service, an OKAN class, etc.)
Based on the analysis of the requests for help, the teams must act methodically and demonstrate an open, inclusive and creative basic attitude as a youth professional as described in the training.
In addition, they should also receive a good overview of the vision and mission of these organizations in order to work in an action-oriented manner. They work according to the empirical cycle (overview-insight-outlook) and thus arrive at interventions that are appropriate for the client(s).
Case studies are EXPERIENCED through teamwork, role plays, simulation exercises, coaching and hands-on inspiration sessions given by lecturers but also provided by guest speakers from the field.