Professional practice II


The aim of BP II is to master the professional attitude and competences at the level as indicated in the text 'Professional attitude' and in the document 'Evaluation criteria per quadrant and per training phase', more specifically the evaluation criteria BP II.

BP II in the field

  • Objectives and approach

    Professional practice includes a 200-hour internship in the second SRW training phase. The internship starts at the start of the rest week and runs until the Easter holidays. During the internship, students mainly learn through participant observation. They are involved in the day-to-day operation of the internship.

  • Content

    During the internship, students acquire knowledge and insight about the objectives, the target groups, the organizational structure, the functioning and the broader network in which the internship organization operates.

  • Trial


  • Rules of the game: rights and obligations

    Before the start of the internship, an internship agreement - in three copies - is drawn up between the company/institution (internship place), the training institution (SRW) and the intern (the student). This agreement contains a general arrangement regarding the internship and additionally the document refers to information about insurance, prevention and protection of interns, internship compensation, absences, termination of the internship, students with disabilities.

BP II on campus

The internship period starts on campus with an introductory practical as a general introduction for all BP II students at the same time. The exact date can be found in the student timetable. Spread over the internship period, a small (permanent) group of BP II students comes together during five practicals. This takes place on campus or (in consultation with all those involved) at the internship location of one of the group members. The planning of these practicals is done at the start of the internship period by the internship supervisor in consultation with the students of the practical group.

Students are required to participate in all practicals. Practicals therefore take precedence over tasks at the internship. If the student is unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances, she will provide the internship supervisor with a certificate of absence and will carry out a replacement assignment.

The practicals are intended to support and promote the personal learning and training process of students. Students broaden their knowledge about the profession and the field of work of the SRW employee by exchanging information with fellow students, by critically discussing the position and tasks of the professional and by studying the broader network within which internships are located. The internship supervisor encourages students to deepen her experiences by means of various working methods by reflecting on her personal functioning and on her professional development.

Students help determine the content of the practicals. We therefore expect students to prepare thoroughly for the practicals. This can be done by taking the initiative themselves in introducing themes, questions that occupy them. This can also be done by preparing specific assignments from the internship supervisor.

Assignments BP II

The student receives four assignments for the OPO BP II. The assignments are a means to activate and deepen his learning and formation process.

  • Internship work plan and growth box

      A first assignment is the development of the personal internship work plan (SWP) and associated growth box.  

  • Issue in sight

      A second assignment Matter in sight helps the student to become aware of how people speak and think at the internship, the culture, the values and norms, the traditions and customs that are implicitly and explicitly addressed in the organization. To carry out this assignment, the student will search within the internship organization for an issue that she will deliberately investigate and analyze further and which she will look at from multiple angles.  

  • Organization in pictures

      In the assignment Organization in pictures, the student situates the internship in the broad context of youth welfare work and/or the educational field. She also makes a thorough analysis of the social-pedagogical, managerial and administrative functioning of the organization. This assignment consists of two parts.  

Study load BP II

The OPO BP II is good for 12 credits. This corresponds to a study load of 300 hours. The internship consists of 200 hours. In addition, students spend 100 hours on assignments from the educational institution, individual interviews, practicals and their preparation. When spreading this study load, students take into account a period of eight weeks (including the crocus and Easter periods) and a work rhythm of 40 hours per week.

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