In the following items, we list the data for each phase of the learning path.
You can navigate between phase 1, 2 and 3 via the title.
The 'evaluation criteria BP I' in the document 'Evaluation criteria per quadrant and per training phase' and the text about the professional attitude form the frame of reference for the evaluation and assessment of the OPO BP I.
The assessment for the OPO BP II covers the entirety of the internship, practicals and assignments.
The assessment for the OPO BP III covers the entirety of the internship, practicals and assignments.
At the end of the first semester, the practical lecturer organizes an individual feedback conversation about the written exam as well as about the student's functioning in class. The students prepare this conversation as indicated in the assignment sheet. They also complete the SRW web.
At the end of the semester, the internship supervisor organizes a feedback meeting between the student and himself. In that conversation, the student receives feedback about the complete package of the OPO BP II (assignments, practicals and internship). The text about the professional attitude and the document 'Evaluation criteria per quadrant and per training phase' - more specifically the evaluation criteria BP II - form the guideline for this feedback interview.
At the end of the semester, the internship supervisor organizes a feedback meeting between the student and herself. In that conversation, the student receives feedback about the complete package of the OPO BP III (assignments, practicals and internship). The text on the professional attitude and the document 'Evaluation criteria per quadrant and per training phase' - more specifically the evaluation criteria BP III - form the guideline for this feedback interview.
The evaluation for the OPO BP I is based on a written exam on the frameworks provided at the end of the first semester and an oral exam at the end of the academic year. During the oral exam, the students present and defend their portfolio and they answer the questions of the practical lecturer. In this way, the students demonstrate that they achieve the set goals for both the competences and the professional attitude. The assessment is based on the portfolio itself and its defense.
We use permanent evaluation as an evaluation form. Process evaluation is central to this.
We use permanent evaluation as an evaluation form. Process evaluation is central to this.
Partial resit is possible. The oral and written exam can be retaken in the second session.
A resit for the OPO BP II is not possible. The student can retake the entire trajectory the following academic year.
A resit for the OPO BP III is not possible. The student can retake the entire trajectory the following academic year.
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